How often do we rush around? Thoughts focused on a future destination, our inner voice drives us forward. We use phrases such as 'I must'….'I’ve got to'……'I should'. When we use language like that, we’re usually giving ourselves a hard time - and probably feel anxious and stressed too.
But there is a different way. Have a go at this simple mindful walk and see if you feel any better afterwards.
First up, go outside and find a bit of nature. Even if it’s a garden, a city park, a row of trees. Research has now proven that being out in nature has many benefits. Calming the mind, and helping us feel more grounded – are just two such benefits.
When outdoors, allow yourself to sigh lots of times. This starts to calm the nervous system. Now start to take some long slow breaths. If you can, try and extend your exhale a little more. It’s even more effective if you purse your lips together when breathing out. If you’re unsure what I mean, imagine you’re blowing gently through a straw.
Now feel your feet in contact with the ground when you walk. Slo-ooooow down. Way down. This will help concentrate your mind. If lots of thoughts are still racing, try not to engage with them. Instead, bring your attention back to noticing your feet. It’s okay if you have to do this many times – you’re not doing anything wrong. The mind will jump around. Most importantly be very kind with yourself. Stay with this exercise for roughly 2 minutes.
Keep walking slowly, but now be aware of your hands. Stay with your focus here and notice any sensations, eg, tingling, temperature, tension. Do this for around 2 minutes. If your mind tells you to hurry up (and you don’t need to), bring your attention back to your hands. With kindness.
Bring all of this together now, focusing on your breath, feet and hands. Stay doing this exercise for as long as you need to. I’d recommend doing this last part for at least 2 minutes - longer if you can for greater benefit. Hopefully you’ll find your brain has calmed down and you're feeling less stressed by doing this exercise.
Want more practise? Lots of our experiences feature a bit of mindfulness in them. You'll find all details right here.
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We appeared in this fantastic Guardian article on how to embrace the dark.
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